What Are You Not Seeing?

I have a confession to make.

I’m a guy…

Which means when I’m looking for something in the fridge,
sometimes I glance around a few seconds, then tell my wife,
“I don’t see it.”

Then with some exasperation she tells me “it’s right there…”
and with a little direction, suddenly I “see” it…


Because a part of me doesn’t want to keep looking if I don’t
believe I’ll find…

And my belief limits my ability to “see”…

Have you ever misplaced something – your keys, or a piece of
paper—and looked frantically for it…perhaps over and over again
in the same place…and then all of a sudden, you realize it was
right there all along, you just didn’t “see” it?

These are just a couple of everyday examples of how our beliefs,
and our brain, actually control what we see.

So now let’s talk about your health, or your finances, or your
relationships—–what is it you’re not seeing?

When you believe your only choices are a drug or surgery, or else
something disastrous will happen…

When you believe you can’t do something because of an apparent
obstacle that you “see” in front of you.

When you believe someone is rude or impatient or doesn’t like you—–
have you noticed you keep “seeing” more and more evidence that
confirms those beliefs, even if in actuality there are times when
that person doesn’t act that way?

Reminds me again of one of my favorite “stories” from the Bible—–
the Chilrden of Israel in the wilderness. 

One moment, it looks like there’s no food or water.

The next moment there’s water flowing from a rock, or manna on the

What is it your own brain isn’t letting you see, because of your
beliefs about your health, your situation, or another person?

Are you willing to ask some different questions, and open the door
to “seeing” more than you see right now?

Guess next time I’m at the fridge, I’ll ask myself “If it were here,
where would it be?” (a way of getting around my disbelief)
and see if I “see” things differently then!

To your prosperous well-being and health,

Dr. Ben

P.S.  How about letting us know some of your own examples of
shifts in “seeing” in the comments below?

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

5 thoughts on “What Are You Not Seeing?”

  1. I am now dealing with stress and allergys. I am going to see if I can get some financial help to get me away from what is causing my stress. then hope to get my financial situation taken care of.

  2. Hi Ben,
    What a great object lesson! This is so true! Expectation and persistence bring results.

    It took me 5 years to find a good consulting arrangement, and 20 to become excellent in that field. I am just as determined to prevail in my new profession and ministry, as well. I mentioned to my friend Licia my frustration with my perceived lack of progress in these, and she said that my experiences reminded her of the time just before she received her calling to go to pre-med. That has energized me.

    Do we see an empty field or a freshly sown field?

    Vision is everything! Thanks for your encouragement!

  3. Glad you all are learning to ask different questions of yourself and to see differently…

    Janice, an excellent (and free) resource for you is The Science of Getting Rich which you can download at right.

    A second one is Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn, which you can find at amazon or via the library in book or audio form.

    Both of these resources can trigger new ideas and perspectives in you that could profoundly change the direction you’re heading and results you’re experiencing!

  4. I have some relatives who often seem like not very nice people. Sometimes I focus on that & don’t see the fact that not only whenever I really need them for something, many times they follow through, but that they do really have some good qualities also.

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